Quickly collecting accurate 3D field information is key. imajing’s mobile mapping toolchain empowers you to do just this to tackle inventory, mapping and inspection projects with ease.
Having a simple way to rapidly collect high quality data is the competitive advantage that the imajbox® mobile mapping technology has.
The imajbox can survey hundreds of kilometers a day. It is very simple to install and is auto calibrated meaning that all there is left to do is drive.
From these surveys, thanks to our GIS data production software imajview, it is possible to inventory and measure any visible asset. For example: signage (vertical or horizontal), pavement quality, parking places, streetlights, house numbers, trees, guardrails etc.
imajview doesn’t only localize the above mentioned but allows you to qualify them with customizable attributes. Other functionalities include 3D measurement in the image and the creation of a Linear Referencing System.
Our customers all over the world love the flexibility of our solutions. Once they have an imajbox, most of them diversify their activity. It allows them to participate in a wide range of tenders with highly competitive offers.
An added advantage with imajing’s toolchain is the possibility to share surveys and data with your clients, providing continuity and trust to the relationship as well as adding value to the survey services.
Thanks to years of constant development, the imajbox® is an extremely efficient and accurate tool that is a suitable alternative to traditional topography technologies.
imajing SAS
2 chemin des Carmes
31670 Labège