Automatic detection and inventory

With time, the state of your network’s assets change. imajingAI makes your life easier by giving you up to date information on the condition your assets are in.

Let imajing AI works for you

Automatic detection and inventory

Any unknown detected equipment will be detected and inserted into a data base. Conversely, all known equipment will be confirmed present at the time of your survey.

Receive alerts when a change in your infrastructure is detected

As each survey of a network can be compared to the previous ones, an alert will be set off in the case of any obsolete, missing or new equipment. This is automatically make updates to your network data that can then be manually validated.

Be compliant with privacy

Floutage strict ou discret. Multiple choix de textures


Éclairage public
Affleurants de réseau
Signalisation verticale directionnelle et OCR
Détection des dégradations de chaussée
Signalisation de police
Marquage horizontal


OCR (reconnaissance optique des caractères)


Des modèles entraînés sur de très gros corpus offrant d'excellentes performances.

Un géo-référencement précis avec uniquement des images.

Une consolidation spatiale et temporelle de l'ensemble des détections.

Une lecture automatique de tous les textes dans les images grâce à un OCR basé sur l'IA. 

Une détection du changement entre plusieurs relevés.


imajingAI is a set of CNNs trained with a vast, carefully labelled, dataset providing high performance for automatic detections.

imajingAI is also a complete processing pipeline allowing detections of the same piece of equipment to be consolidated within a unique representation.

imajingAI offers solutions for “Dynamic asset database” management.

imajing AI is an industrial processing pipeline, ready to serve your assets inventory, your need for change detection, at scale.

imajing AI also georeferences in 3D any identified equipement to deliver a ready to use  product as a GIS layer of georeferenced features.

  1. Upload your data to imajnet and launch the analysis of your data.
  2. Perform your checks and any necessary corrections.
  3. View the results online.
  4. Export the results in the geospatial format that suits you.

imajing AI can be trained on any dataset provided, if there are enough representatives of each category you are looking for.

If you have surveys, you can label them online, or we can do it for you.


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